Custom Form Component Support ¶

This is an extension to the basic form support

Possible use cases ¶

  • Custom UI component that are not yet supported by the basic components (e.g: radio selectors)
  • Consuming third party APIs for component values and validation

Step-by-step integration process ¶

  1. First you will need a react component to render instead of the default Kubeapps form components. You’re React components must be compiled into a JS file so that they can be interpreted by the browser since they cannot natively parse .jsx or .tsx files. You can compile jsx or tsx into js with tools like webpack, create-react-app, babel, etc. If you just want to try this feature out and you don’t have a component yet we provide some test files you can try (Do not try to load the jsx file since browsers cannot parse it! We simply include it so that you can see the pre-compiled version of the .js files).

  2. The easiest way to add inject the file in is via the command line. You can do it via the following command:

    helm install  bitnami/kubeapps --set-file dashboard.customComponents=*path to file* <other_flags>

    Note: The file can be located anywhere on your file system or even a remote source! Alternatively we provide remote loading by setting the remoteComponentsUrl value to the URL that is serving your bundle. If this is not set, the configmap will be the default loader.

  3. Once the deployment is complete you will need a values json that will signal to Kubeapps that we want to render a custom component and not one fo the provided ones. To do that you will need a values.json.schema that has a customComponent key, more info here .

Render a custom component ¶

Signaling to the Kubeapps dashboard that you want to render a custom component is pretty straight forward. Simply add a customComponent field to any form parameter defined in the values.json.schema and that will tell the react application to fetch the component from the custom js bundle. An example parameter could look like:

    "databaseType": {
      "type": "string",
      "form": true,
      "enum": ["mariadb", "postgresql"],
      "title": "Database Type",
      "description": "Allowed values: \"mariadb\" and \"postgresql\"",
      "customComponent": {
          "type": "radio",
          "className": "primary-radio"

Note: The customComponent field MUST BE AN OBJECT. This design decision was made so that developers can pass extra values/properties into their custom components should they require them.

Updating Helm values with custom components ¶

Custom form components would be useless without the ability to interact with the YAML state. To do this your custom components should be set up to receive 2 props: handleBasicFormParamChange and param. param is the current json object this is being rendered (denoted by the customComponent field) and handleBasicFormParamChange which is a function that updates the YAML file. An example of how you use this function can be found in any of the BasicDeploymentForm components such as the SliderParam .

  const handleParamChange = (newValue: number) => {
      currentTarget: {
        value: newValue,
    } as React.FormEvent<HTMLInputElement>);

Tips ¶

To help you get started we provide some examples that you can try here . The three files should give you a good idea about how to start developing and building your own custom components. CustomComponent.jsx is a super simple react component that takes the handleBasicFormParamChange and param props and renders a button that changes the value to ’test’. CustomComponent.js is the JavaScript variant of CustomComponent.jsx and CustomComponent.min.js is a minified js bundle created using remote-component-starter , which is specifically made to help build components that you want to load remotely with the remote-component tool used by Kubeapps.